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当前位置:搜搜医药网 > 药品招商 > 快快瘦身丸
    信息编号:9684 13169次浏览
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1、单纯性肥胖、青春性肥胖、产后肥胖、营养性肥胖; 2、腰腹肥胖、小肚子突起、大象腿人群  3、需快速达到瘦身目的者
快快瘦身丸 [主要成份]:生山楂,苦丁茶,决明子,花旗参,壳聚糖,低聚果糖,左旋肉碱,HGH. [规格]400mg*30粒 [适宜对象] 1、单纯性肥胖、青春性肥胖、产后肥胖、营养性肥胖; 2、腰腹肥胖、小肚子突起、大象腿人群  3、需快速达到瘦身目的者 [服用方法]:每天一次,每次一粒,早餐前或后30分服用 [执行标准]Q/ZX09-1998 [批准文号]卫食健字(1998)第017号 [卫生许可证]琼卫食字[2005]第0125号 [特别提示]孕妇、哺乳期、心脏病患者忌用 Slimming pills as soon as possible Slimming pillsのcharacteristics: 1, a natural body from the extra garbage and toxins (not all day long Oh diarrhea). 2, activated cells, help to fall asleep (you do not need to worry about sleep). 3, rapid weight loss, 10 days by 5-10 jin, not anorexia, not diarrhea, not weak, not dehydration, do not rebound 4, targeting weight loss: the elimination of the waist, abdomen, thighs, buttocks fat effect was particularly evident. 5, of genetic obesity, secondary obesity, simple obesity, such as rapid weight loss crowd. 6, to play and maintain body weight loss, beauty beauty role. "Thin pill" to you do not like the feeling of 1, taking the first day: You will feel the abdomen obvious phenomenon of fever, night will be felt on both sides of abdominal fat tremble slightly, just like in the same massage. 2, the next day: Enteral and vascular Shen ruled out the fat has started yesterday lipolysis waste generated from in vitro, makes it easy for you, such as Yan. Let fresh artillery. 3, the third day: When you sit to the usual, you will be surprised to find that your cheeks ruddy how, fair complexion and is really an unexpected surprise. 4, the fifth day: a more pleasant surprise, you will feel as if there is a strong body of gas rising in the body, lipolysis fast running, you can click ruler volume, waist circumference by about 2-4 cm, weight reduction of about 2-5 jin, wow! simply amazing. 5, the tenth day: weight reduction of about 5-10 kg, you can now put you did not feel beautiful fashion, easy shopping malls, no longer have to care about others look strange, because now cast him in your eyes has been transformed into appreciation, at the moment you feel more confident it! This product has been added to the role of drug release HGH ingredients, so that effect in the shortest possible time to play the ultimate role, so as to achieve the purpose of rapid thin! [Main ingredients]: Health Hawthorn, Kudingcha, cassia, American Ginseng root, chitosan, fructooligosaccharides, L-carnitine, HGH. [Specification] 400mg * 30 tablets [Appropriate objects] 1, simple obesity, youth obesity, postpartum obesity, nutrition and obesity; 2,obesity,processes, elephant legs crowd 3, need to quickly reach the purpose of those thin [Taking method]: once a day, each time a breakfast before or after taking 30 minutes [Performance standards] Q/ZX09-1998 [Approval No.] Wei Jian fresh word (1998) Section No. 017 [Health permit] Qiong Wei fresh word [2005] No. No. 0125 [Special Note] pregnant women, breast-feeding, heart disease 广州市燕香生

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