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美国排油基多维膳食素(冲剂) ※收腰减腹※修腿瘦脸※排毒养颜※均衡营养※ 本品是选用魔芋粉、低聚糖、麦芽、甲壳素、茯苓、膳食纤维、苹果提取物、维生素C、维生素E、维生素B2为原料,经多年临床研究,运用现代顶尖生物医药提取技术,通过国家药品、食品GMP标准认证企业生产的新一代具有排油、减肥、润肠、美颜作用的冲服剂型,效果迅速。 [配 料]魔芋粉、低聚糖、麦芽、甲壳素、茯苓、膳食纤维、苹果提取物、维生素C、维生素E、维生素B2。 [规 格]10g/包*18包 [保健作用]美容、瘦身 [适宜人群]单纯性肥胖、青春期肥胖及产后肥胖。 [食用方法]每天一次,每次1包,于早上用适量开水冲服或泡在稀饭里一起服用均可。 [贮藏方法]置阴凉干燥处保存 U.S. Dietary row of oil-based multi-dimensional (granules) ※ Shouyao by abdominal repair legs Shoulian ※ ※ ※ beauty of nutrients and toxins ※ This product is the choice of konjac flour, oligosaccharides, malt, chitin, Fuling, dietary fiber, apple extract, vitamin C, vitamin E, vitamin B2 as raw materials for many years as clinical research, the use of modern biomedical top Extraction Technology, National Drug and Food GMP certification standards for the production schedule with a new generation of oil, weight loss, Runchang, the role of the beauty of form Chongfu results quickly. Plus a variety of fruits and vitamin formula, balanced nutrition, better nourished skin, thin oil, security, non-toxic, to deal with is known as "bucket back", "General belly" and "elephant legs" with the latest beauty, thin Both are healthy food. [Ingredients] konjac flour, oligosaccharides, malt, chitin, Fuling, dietary fiber, apple extract, vitamin C, vitamin E, vitamin B2. [Standard] 10g / package * 18 package [Health effects] beauty, thin [Suitable crowd] simple obesity, obesity and post-adolescent obesity. In particular, commonly known as a bucket for the waist, stomach, General, such as elephant legs of obesity. [Methods of food] every day, every time a package, in the morning with Chongfu amount of water or foam in rice, can be taken together. [Storage] home a cool dry place to preserve Pai explained that the oil question: ※ row brewing oil-based water, or soak in Xiyu, eat? A: can use water-saving and Chong Fu will use more fully. ※ Why should take half an hour before eating? A: obesity, high cholesterol are caused by uncontrollable appetite, taking half an hour before eating, will slow stomach emptying, have a belly full sense of loss of appetite control. ※ Why use oil-based scheduling, to drink a glass of water? A: The schedule for the hydrophilic oil-based substances, drink a glass of water, oil-based ability to make scheduling more. ※ belly-smoking, not easy to rebound? A: normal diet, it is not easy rebound. If overeating, stomach will be great again, but as long as the cycle by using them, will not rebound. ※ using oil-based scheduling, reduce by half the appetite, malnutrition will? A: no! Row with oil-based multi-vitamins and calcium, zinc, and other trace elements, adequate human nutrition requirements, but it does not contain calories, no fat, so to reduce the effects of the stomach is very significant. 广州市燕香生物发展有限公司 网址:www.u389.cn 财富电话:020-88184527 手机:1366

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